To this...
Last night at church I got a phone call to come to the nursery: "Umm, Momma...can you come down and feed Miss Davy for us?"
You can always tell when your child has been "challenging" to the nursery workers if when you show up she is in the stroller getting pushed around. That means that she's been so fussy that they chauffeured her away from the other children in an attempts to quiet her down.
Upon arrival, I saw Davy sitting in a double stroller with another distraught baby boy. Davy began grinning ear to ear the moment she saw me. But the nursery lady wasn't smiling. She told me, with no small amount of awe in her voice, that Davy had torn the crying boy's bottle out of his little paws not once, or twice, but three times and shoved it into her gaping maw. I suppressed a belly laugh upon hearing this but Davy began kicking her feet and smiling at me as I said, "Uh oh. We don't take other people's food!" Pretty sure that fell on deaf ears.
I've noticed that she gets anxious about nursing now. She begins hollering and pawing at me the minute I get her from her crib. When I am bringing her baby food, she kicks and reaches for the spoon like "must. have. that." So I'm not really surprised about her shenanigans in the nursery. I mean, HELLO? I think I know where she gets this from...
ACK! People, while I was writing this Davy ate off the corner of a baby shower invitation that was sitting next to my laptop!! There isn't a trace of it in her mouth!!!
My mom noted that the story reminded her of Chris Farley in this skit.
Been laughing all day thinking about miss Davy.
I love all this!
Kay, you have an icredible memory -- from that entire skit you remember Farley morphing into a monster about French Fries. No wonder I couldn't recall it. Thanks, Bec, for posting it.
Now, back to Davy -- ain't nobody gonna get ahead of her. I wish I could have seen her take away that little boy's bottle! What a kid. And I know her grandmother is over the moon about it, too. What did Grandpa have to say?
I can totally relate. Isn't this stage so fun! We will soon look back and miss it for sure.
Ashton loved her Momma's milk too. She had 3 chins, 3 layers of arm, 3 rolls on her legs and look at her now! It is so hard to believe that she will be 16 this August and I still feel 16. Becky it goes by too fast.
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