Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Two Years and Still Such a Story...

Two weeks ago I mentioned Hazel Mooney's birth here.

Today you can see her older brother's story on Oprah. Matt explains it briefly on their blog, Spectacular Vernacular (find it in my links to the right).

In 2006 a very large group of friends began to follow Matt & Ginny's experience with their first pregnancy. Matt, certainly blessed with a true talent for writing, chronicled it all here. I know that I read their site weekly, aching over the struggle they were in for and hoping for a miracle. Then Eliot, who had been diagnosed with Trisomy 18 while in utero, was born. And each day I would check their blog with both excitement and fear for them.

When you have some time, even in the recesses of night, I'd encourage you to go read their story from the beginning. God used that blog to touch my heart deeply, reminding me that He is always in control, even when it appears that He has turned His head. I know that Matt and Ginny did not start their blog (www.ninetynineballoons.com) to reach out to all of us in the blogosphere. They didn't plan to be an example of sweet, tentative faith put daily to the test. Ginny didn't dress Eliot up in adorable costumes so that they could post photos and we could all be impressed (though we were!). They were just being Mom and Dad...and they were soaking up every second that they could because they knew time was the most precious resource available.

I won't spoil the story in case you've never heard it. But you can also watch this:

Yesterday was Ginny's birthday, and a huge day for their family for so many reasons. It's been two years and Eliot, I still love you dearly! Thank you for all you taught me!

Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14


Rachael said...

Beck: Thank you for introducing me to this amazing family and their story. I hadn't read the blog today, but when i watched Oprah i immediately recognized Eliot's story and the 99 balloons. Michael and I wayched it together and wept as only parents can ... it was beautiful. Thank you again.